Canadian Trade & Investment Promotion Agencies



35 profile(s)
Calgary Economic Development is a conduit, connector, catalyst, and storyteller for the city of Calgary. Promoting Calgary as the location of choice for people, investment and business, our work is rooted in positioning Calgary for long-term economic success and shared prosperity for all. We deliver services and initiatives focused on growing and developing across our key sectors
Canadian Trade Commissioner in Taipei, Taiwan.
Le Service des Affaires économiques à la Délégation générale du Québec à Bruxelles vise à:
- Favoriser les échanges entre les entreprises québécoises et celles du Benelux en vue d’accroître le nombre de partenariats d'affaires, industriels ou technologiques.
-Offrir des services d'information et d'accompagnement aux entreprises québécoises intéressées à faire des affaires sur le territoire du Benelux; répondre aux demandes locales sur les technologies et les produits québécois et sur les possibilités de partenariat avec des entreprises québécoises.
-En collaboration avec les principaux organismes de promotion des investissements du Québec, assurer la liaison avec les sièges sociaux des entreprises du Benelux établies au Québec.
-Faire connaître les stratégies économiques du Québec, en faire la promotion et en assurer la mise en œuvre.
-Surveiller l'évolution des politiques à caractère économique de l'Union européenne et en déterminer les impacts pour le Québec.
-Suivre l'évolution des politiques et des pratiques commerciales et techniques au Benelux et faire état des modifications observées aux gouvernements, organisations et entreprises du Québec.
The Canadian Embassy in Austria supports Canadian businesses targeting the Austrian market (infrastructure/ green building, ICT, forestry and wood products) for business opportunities as well as Austrian companies in the mentioned sectors looking at establishing or expanding their footprint in North America or collaborating on innovation projects. Another objective is to promote CETA, the free trade agreement between Canada and the European Union.
Based in Budapest our Embassy is covering three markets: Hungary, Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina from a trade perspective. Our focus sectors include ICT, Life Sciences, Education, Cleantech, Defence.
We are providing services to our Canadian clients and identify opportunities for their business development needs in our markets.

Embassy of Canada to Israel

Networking Profile
As part of the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service, I assist with strategic/tech/innovation/business partnerships between Canadian and Israeli industry, within Canada, Israel and 3rd countries where it adds value to Canadian clients. For Canadian industry/associations/incubators etc, please contact me for connections to the Israeli tech ecosystems.

Embassy of Canada to Kuwait

Networking Profile

Embassy of Canada to Qatar

Networking Profile

Embassy of Canada to Spain

Networking Profile

Embassy of Canada to Sweden

Networking Profile
The Canadian Trade Commission Service (TCS) helps Canadian companies and organizations of all sizes grow and operate internationally.